Judge Smolenski to share view of leadership from the bench

Judge Sara Smolenski
Judge Sara Smolenski

The Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies will host long-time District Judge Sara Smolenski as the first speaker of the center’s 2015 Wheelhouse Talks Series.

Smolenski, a highly regarded community leader for her work both in and out of the courtroom, will speak about her view of leadership from the bench and beyond at her Wheelhouse Talk at 12:30 p.m. on January 14 at GVSU’s L. William Seidman Center, 50 Front Avenue, Grand Rapids. The event is free and open to the public. RSVPs are requested at HauensteinCenter.org.

“We are excited to have Judge Smolenski share her leadership perspectives with the community and with our future leaders in the Cook Leadership Academy,” said Chadd Dowding, program manager at the Hauenstein Center. “The Cook Leadership Academy continues to receive great support from our community and university. The Wheelhouse Talks provide our student fellows and community mentors with a tremendous opportunity to join together, share visions of leadership, and support emerging leaders.” 

Smolenski, the Chief Judge of the 63rd District Court, is a strong advocate for education, prevention of violence against women, and community engagement. She has served the District Court since 1996.

For more information and to RSVP, visit HauensteinCenter.org.


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