KCON students connect with southwest area residents

Nursing students hosted a health fair for southwest Grand Rapids residents.
Nursing students hosted a health fair for southwest Grand Rapids residents.

Through numerous activities and visits, Kirkhof College of Nursing students helped residents in Grand Rapids' southwest neighborhoods learn more about dental health.

Maureen Ryan, assistant professor of nursing, said the eight students decided to focus on dental health after completing a community assessment and speaking with residents. "There are no dental or medical facilities in the neighborhood and the students wanted neighbors to have access to resources," Ryan said.

At Sibley Elementary school, nursing students led activities for children who attended the CATCH program, a health promotion program, with dental items like toothbrushes, dental floss and mouthwash. Classes were also held at the Hispanic Developmental Program at Other Way Ministries.

Ryan said students concluded their community clinical by organizing and hosting a health fair during a picnic on June 3 at Servant's Community Park. Nursing students offered dental health resources, sessions on bicycle safety and hands-only CPR training. Other community resources such as the YMCA and Mel Trotter Ministries were also available.

The students will graduate in August; they were enrolled in KCON's bachelor's program for second-degree students.


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