Proposed independent living community survey coming

Grand Valley State University is looking for input on what to do with property it owns near the Allendale Campus.

Administrators are currently looking at the possibility of developing an independent living community on the site, after conducting a feasibility study with Plante Moran CRESA to determine the best use for the 170 acres located directly north of campus on the north side of M-45.

The analysis shows that the community, with the possibility of complementary services and retail outlets, may be the best use of this land. Developers are expressing an interest in the project, but they want to know what Grand Valley faculty, staff and alumni over the age of 50 think of the proposal.

Within the week, those groups will be receiving an email or letter inviting them to participate in the completely voluntary survey. The responses of those who choose to participate in the survey will remain completely confidential and anonymous. 

The message accompanying the request to take the survey will have direction on where to go for more information on the project or the survey, and will contain the subject line: GVSU Independent Living Community Survey.


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