Scholarships offer first step to study abroad

From left are Zoie Williams, Nina Hatter and Angel Williams, who earned scholarships to purchase passports.
From left are Zoie Williams, Nina Hatter and Angel Williams, who earned scholarships to purchase passports.

Thanks to a collaborative effort from three campus departments, several first-generation students earned scholarships to purchase passports, the first step to studying abroad.

The Padnos International Center, Educational Support Program and the Oliver Wilson Freshman Academy Program teamed to provide passport scholarships to three students during the February 24 Passport Fair.

Alissa Lane, outreach coordinator for PIC, said the idea came from a national conference.

“It might seem like a small amount, but it’s a good driver to get students interested in studying abroad,” Lane said.

To apply for a scholarship, students were required to attend a Study Abroad Fair, write an essay and attend an advising session.

The three recipients are detailed below.

• Zoie Williams, a sophomore majoring in biology, is a member of the Pre-Vet Club and said she would like to go to Australia or South Africa and shadow a veterinarian who works with large animals.

• Nina Hatter will graduate in December with a bachelor’s degree in marketing. She would like to study fashion in Italy or France.

• Angel Williams, a sophomore who is majoring in advertising/public relations, would like to study in China.


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