Speech Lab earns national certification

Speech Lab student consultants Brandan Bilski, Jordan Boze, Lena Williams, Chad Rodgers, Kelsey Hines, Ari Zucker, Ashlee Wagner, Jake Nuechterlein, Ellen Packard, Kent Redford, Michelle Marinos, and Isaac Simon, with Speech Lab director Carl Brown.
Speech Lab student consultants Brandan Bilski, Jordan Boze, Lena Williams, Chad Rodgers, Kelsey Hines, Ari Zucker, Ashlee Wagner, Jake Nuechterlein, Ellen Packard, Kent Redford, Michelle Marinos, and Isaac Simon, with Speech Lab director Carl Brown.

The Speech Lab at Grand Valley is now among a select group of communication centers in the U.S. to be nationally certified by the National Association of Communication Centers (NACC).

“Many communication centers apply for certification, but few are seen as having the clear and stringent plans and directions needed for approval,” said Carl Brown, Speech Lab director. “This means that Grand Valley’s Speech Lab has gained respect across the communication center community in America.”

The Speech Lab employs a handful of student consultants each academic year who help their fellow students sharpen their presentations skills. Consultants assist undergraduate students with a wide variety of steps in the speechmaking process including: topic selection, presentation organization, developing supporting materials, crafting outlines, speech delivery and eliminating speech anxiety.

To be considered for national certification, the NACC requires communication centers to submit their detailed training and operating procedures, such as tutor selection and training, introducing new technologies and developing interpersonal skills.

Aside from gaining national recognition, Brown said this distinction will help set students on a path to success after leaving the university.

“This should signal to departments and employers that our student consultants understand what it means to rigorously train for a position and that they are used to being held to high standards,” Brown said. “Grand Valley is fortunate to have a Speech Lab in general, but to have a national award winning, and now nationally certified, Lab is something students should take advantage of in the future.”

The Speech Lab is a program housed within Grand Valley's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School of Communications.

For more information about the Speech Lab, visit www.gvsu.edu/speechlab or call (616) 331-8115.


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