Student-produced Ford ad launches online

School of Communications students Atikh Bana, Chad Rodgers, Lindsey VanDenBoom, Joseph Buckenmeyer, Ian Kast, Olga Sarayeva and Richard Iseppi pose with members of Archangel Ancient Tree Archive. Photo courtesy: GVSU Ford Team - See
School of Communications students Atikh Bana, Chad Rodgers, Lindsey VanDenBoom, Joseph Buckenmeyer, Ian Kast, Olga Sarayeva and Richard Iseppi pose with members of Archangel Ancient Tree Archive. Photo courtesy: GVSU Ford Team - See

A Ford Motor Company ad produced by seven students from Grand Valley State University’s School of Communications can now be viewed online by audiences around the globe.

The video is a byproduct of a 2014 competition that pitted Grand Valley’s team against students from Calvin College and Compass College for Cinematic Arts. The challenge, presented by Ford’s advertising agency Team Detroit, was to develop and produce online videos showcasing inspirational stories about people or organizations in Michigan. Grand Valley’s team won the competition in December and was awarded the opportunity to continue working with Team Detroit to expand and improve their video project.

Grand Valley’s video highlights Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, an organization dedicated to fighting global warming by cloning the world’s largest and most iconic trees.

After winning the competition, Ian Kast, the project’s director of photography and a senior majoring in film and video production, traveled to California with Team Detroit and Archangel Ancient Tree Archive founder David Milarch to collect additional footage of monumental Redwood trees for the video.

“The trip was the most breathtaking, amazing, eye opening trip I have ever taken,” Kast said. “David showed us his home away from home in the redwoods and made it clear to us the importance of the message of his company.”

Throughout January and February, the entire Grand Valley team assembled in Detroit to finalize the postproduction process with Team Detroit.

Lindsey VanDenBoom, senior advertising and public relations major, said seeing the team’s final video posted along side a plethora of other videos spotlighting Ford’s current Go Further campaign created an extraordinary feeling.

“The time our team dedicated toward research, crafting and editing shows how much hard work pays off,” VanDenBoom said. “This final video ultimately captures David Milarch’s humor, spirit and passion for trees. I hope this video will continue to educate, inspire and warm the hearts of people around the world.

To watch Grand Valley’s original contest entry, visit

For more information, contact Lindsey VanDenBoom at [email protected].


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