Extended climate survey results released

Jesse Bernal, vice president for Inclusion and Equity, said Campus Climate Action Groups will review and address findings.
Jesse Bernal, vice president for Inclusion and Equity, said Campus Climate Action Groups will review and address findings.

While results from the 2015 campus climate survey showed the majority of students, faculty and staff members felt comfortable on campus, segmented groups reported negative experiences that led to feeling less comfortable.

The Division of Inclusion and Equity released extended results of the 2015 myGVSU Climate Survey December 5. The report, available online at www.gvsu.edu/mygvsu, includes comparisons with similar questions from the 2011 climate survey, analyses of areas of strength, and an examination of how marginalized communities reported.

Jesse Bernal, vice president for Inclusion and Equity, said the overall survey findings indicate a campus with a healthy climate, but work to create an inclusive and equitable campus continues.

"We are proud of the areas where improvements have been made since 2011 but also understand a concerted focus where gaps and disparities exist is needed," Bernal said.

The Campus Climate Action Groups, representing students, faculty members, and staff members, will review and address the findings as next steps. 

Following are highlights from the report.

• 87% of all respondents were "comfortable" or "very comfortable" with the overall campus climate. A total of 9,996 students and 1,929 faculty and staff members responded.

• 78% of students were "comfortable" or "very comfortable" with the climate in living centers.

• A slight increase from 2011 (11% to 14%) in the number of people who "personally experienced a negative/hostile incident on campus."

• 40% of transgender or "other" gender reported personal higher levels of negative/hostile personal experiences.

• 78% percent of respondents believed the university is "committed to diversity."

• Higher percentage of employees (29% in 2015, 20% in 2011) reported observing "unfair and unjust hiring practices."


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