News from Grand Valley State University

Hauenstein Center conference to highlight history, culture of Midwest

For most of American history, recountings of significant events came mostly from the East and West coasts, overlooking what came to be known pejoratively as "flyover country."

But that swath of the American heartland is rich in history, culture, music, literature and art, all of which will be discussed at the second Midwestern History Conference, hosted by the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies at Grand Valley State University on June 1.

The conference will feature historians, literary scholars and cultural critics who are dedicated to helping tell the vibrant stories of the American Midwest and rebuilding the infrastructure necessary for the academic study of the American Midwest.

More than a dozen different panels will highlight the expertise of nearly three dozen experts on a wide range of topics.

Finding the Lost Region II: Second Midwestern History Conference

June 1, 2016

9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Grand Valley State University's Pew Grand Rapids Campus

Charles W. Loosemore Auditorium

401 W. Fulton Street, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504

The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is requested here:

A full conference schedule is available at


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