Health and Wellness promotes national initiative

Activities like the farmers market are highlighted during Healthy Campus Week.
Activities like the farmers market are highlighted during Healthy Campus Week.

Healthy Campus Week, which runs September 19-24, is a time for the campus community to celebrate its physical fitness and healthy eating choices.

The national initiative is from the Partnership for a Healthier America, Grand Valley joined PHA as a campus partner in May. 

Lindsey DesArmo, health and wellness specialist, hopes students, faculty and staff members will use social media to post their participation in exercise classes, campus walks, farmers market or campus dining areas using the hashtag #healthycampusweek. As an incentive during the week, students who post to social media with the hashtag will be entered into a drawing for a Target gift card; faculty and staff members will be entered into a drawing for a Fitbit.

• Another Health and Wellness initiative approaches in early October. The Pedometer Challenge is a six-week fitness competition that allows participating faculty and staff members to compete by tracking pedometer steps as part of a team. The challenge will run October 3-November 11.

Prizes are awarded for teams who earn the most steps and reach set goals. For more information and to register, visit


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