1967-2017: commencement marks 50 years

A photo of a student at commencement
This year's commencement marked the 50th anniversary of Grand Valley's first ceremony that took place on June 18, 1967 in Allendale.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Peter DeWitt, President Thomas J. Haas, Deanna, Galene and Chantil DeWitt.
From left, Peter DeWitt, President Thomas J. Haas, Deanna, Galene and Chantil DeWitt.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Shelley Padnos, chair of the executive committee of the board of Louis Padnos Iron and Metal Company, was the speaker for the ceremony on Friday, April 28.
Shelley Padnos, chair of the executive committee of the board of Louis Padnos Iron and Metal Company, was the speaker for the ceremony on Friday, April 28.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A photo of a student graduating.
Image credit - Rex Larsen
A wide shot of Van Andel Arena.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Sean Patrick Welsh, executive vice president and regional president for PNC Bank, was the morning speaker on Saturday, April 29.
Sean Patrick Welsh, executive vice president and regional president for PNC Bank, was the morning speaker on Saturday, April 29.
Image credit - Rex Larsen
The Grand Valley Alumni Association presented its Distinguished Alumni Award to Eglantina Gjermeni, '98, minister of urban development for the Republic of Albania.
The Grand Valley Alumni Association presented its Distinguished Alumni Award to Eglantina Gjermeni, '98, minister of urban development for the Republic of Albania.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A photo of a student graduating.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A photo of a student graduating.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Erion Veliaj, Grand Valley alumnus and mayor of Tirana, Albania, was the afternoon speaker on Saturday, April 29.
Erion Veliaj, Grand Valley alumnus and mayor of Tirana, Albania, was the afternoon speaker on Saturday, April 29.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
The Outstanding EducatorAward was presented to Sheryl Vlietstra, affiliate professor of elementary teacher education.
The Outstanding Educator Award was presented to Sheryl Vlietstra, affiliate professor of elementary teacher education.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Grand Valley President Thomas J. Haas
Grand Valley President Thomas J. Haas
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A photo of a student graduating.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A photo of a student graduating.
Image credit - Rex Larsen
A photo of a student graduating.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Students graduating.
Image credit - Rex Larsen
Photo of a graduation cap with an anchor on it.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

Laker pride was at an all-time high when more than 3,200 students walked across the stage at commencement ceremonies held April 28 and 29, including third-generation Laker Deanna DeWitt.

"Grand Valley was my first and only pick," said DeWitt, who earned a bachelor's degree in hospitality and tourism management.

Her mother, Chantil DeWitt, earned a bachelor's degree in social work degree from Grand Valley in 2000. Her grandparents, Peter and Galene DeWitt, graduated in 1968 and 1967, respectively. Galene is co-chair of Grand Valley's Pioneer Class 50-year reunion in June. She said, at last count, 10 DeWitts have graduated from Grand Valley.

This year's commencement marked the 50th anniversary of Grand Valley's first ceremony that took place on June 18, 1967 in Allendale.

Students heard addresses from Shelley Padnos, chair of the executive committee of the board of Louis Padnos Iron and Metal Company; Sean Patrick Welsh, executive vice president and regional president for PNC Bank; and Erion Veliaj, Grand Valley alumnus and mayor of Tirana, Albania.

Padnos urged graduates to value differences, take a chance and give back.

“No one can tell you what your choices should be, but I do know that the road to success is dotted with tempting parking spots. I encourage you not to take the first parking spot, but to drive on and see what’s out there," said Padnos.

Welsh encouraged graduates to continue to be passionate about learning.

"Universities are special places," he said. "You have been exposed to new opinions and ideas, and have lived in a place that encourages creativity and values differences. Now, take that out into the world and make a difference."

The Grand Valley Alumni Association presented its Distinguished Alumni Award to Eglantina Gjermeni, '98, minister of urban development for the Republic of Albania. The Outstanding Educator Award was presented to Sheryl Vlietstra, affiliate professor of elementary teacher education.

Gary Verplank, Ellen Thompson and Nancy Mulnix Tweddale received honorary degrees. Verplank, chair and CEO of Shape Corp., is a member of the Grand Valley University Foundation Advisory Cabinet. Thompson began her career as an elementary school teacher and founded, with her husband, Bob, the Thompson Foundation, which has funded thousands of K-12 and college students through scholarships. Mulnix Tweddale, '95, is a retired medical psychologist and has chaired the Grand Rapids Arts Festival.

Learn more about commencement at www.gvsu.edu/commencement


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