Apply, renew passports at fair

Students, faculty and staff members can apply for or renew a passport on campus Tuesday, October 24.
The Passport Fair, sponsored by the Padnos International Center, will run from 1-4 p.m. in the Kirkhof Center, Grand River Room.
Participants need to bring proof of U.S. citizenship (previous passport, birth certificate or naturalization certificate), driver’s license or Michigan ID, and two separate checks or money orders totaling $135 ($110 to Department of State, $25 to USPS). Passport photos can be taken for $3 cash with Grand Valley ID.
Passport renewals can also be obtained at the fair with two checks ($110 to Department of State, $6.65 to USPS).
Allow up to six weeks for processing. For more information, visit gvsu.edu/pic.
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