News from Grand Valley State University

Departments earn 'healthy' designation

group of people, standing and kneeling
President Thomas J. Haas and staff members from Human Resources congratulate the history faculty and staff members on becoming a Certified Healthy Department.
Image credit - University Communications
group of people standing, kneeling
Biomedical Sciences
Image credit - University Communications
large group of people standing against wall
Office of the Registrar
Image credit - University Communications

Three campus departments were newly designated "healthy" through participation in a Health and Wellness program.

President Thomas J. Haas visited Biomedical Sciences, History and the Registrar's Office January 31 to present Certified Healthy Department certificates. These departments earned the designation for the first time; a total of 14 departments earned a certified healthy designation this academic year.

This marks the third year for the program. To qualify, departments submit an application that demonstrates criteria like use of exercise release time, flexible work arrangements, and participation in the Healthy Choices Wellness Program.


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