Fifth annual Teach-In to feature 55 sessions

two women
Nykia Gaines, director of TRIO STEM-Health Sciences, participates in a panel during the January Teach-In. The campus community can choose from 55 sessions on November 9.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

The fifth annual Teach-In on Thursday, November 9, will feature 55 sessions on topics meant to engage participants in dynamic and challenging conversations: microaggressions, Confederate monuments and resegregation, to name a few.

John Bender, professor of chemistry and one of the Teach-In organizers, said addressing, discussing and learning about challenging subjects is at the heart of the event.

"Nationally, social justice challenges for the U.S. have been evolving rapidly, and the Teach-In aspires to capture these conversations for the campus community," he said. "Students have come to embrace the Teach-In as a benchmark event in their academic calendar."

Teach-In sessions, with the theme, "Power, Privilege, and Difficult Dialogues," will run from 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m. at the Kirkhof Center on the Allendale Campus, and DeVos Center on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus. Each session was collaboratively created by teams of students, faculty and staff members, or community members. View a list of sessions, times and locations at

The event is co-sponsored by Student Senate and University Academic Senate. Participate during the day on social media by using the hashtag #GVTeachIn17.






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