GVSU launches Laker Effect Campaign to further student success

Grand Valley leaders June 7 announced the launch of the Laker Effect comprehensive campaign. The campaign will provide increased support for students and allow university programs and facilities to stay current with changing needs of employers.
With a fundraising goal of $85 million, the campaign will address three primary areas of need: opportunity, achievement and relevance.
“Our strategic plan inspires and compels us to ensure our students are enabled and successful, and our programs are relevant for their future and the future of our region and our state,” said President Thomas J. Haas. “We appreciate the investment from all our donors and supporters in this campaign, as it will allow us to accomplish our goals and outcomes.”
The first goal of the campaign is to increase donor funded scholarships. These scholarships will help provide access for students attending Grand Valley, and represents $25 million of the total budget. This goal, named Opportunity, will allow students to take the first step toward realizing their Laker Effect.
The second goal of the campaign is to increase the resources and programs aimed at student success, ensuring that every student has the resources they most need. With a focus on Achievement through graduation, this represents $8 million of the total goal.
The final goal is to increase investment in academic programs and facilities, so that Grand Valley meets the changing needs of students and the community. This includes the health campus expansion, initiated by the construction of Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall. This investment in Relevance represents $52 million of the total goal.
Campaign co-chairs include Jim and Donna Brooks, Grand Valley University (GVU) Foundation general chairs; and Dan and Pamella DeVos, GVU Foundation vice chairs.
Jim and Donna Brooks anticipate a significant outcome. Donna said: “We are excited to play a leadership role in this campaign that will help shape the future for Grand Valley students and the West Michigan community. We look forward to working with [donors] to achieve our goals and grow the Laker Effect.”
Dan and Pamella DeVos added that the campaign serves as a far reaching initiative that extends beyond Grand Valley’s campus. “As we look to the future for this community and the next generation of leaders, we can see that Grand Valley will play an essential role. It is our responsibility to the citizens of this community to help the university address the changing needs of students and continue its remarkable growth," Dan DeVos said.
For more information about the campaign, visit www.gvsu.edu/giving/.
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