Haas, Lubbers attend USS Gerald R. Ford commissioning

From left: Nancy Lubbers, President Emeritus Don Lubbers, Susan Ford Bales, President Thomas J. Haas, Marcia Haas.
From left: Nancy Lubbers, President Emeritus Don Lubbers, Susan Ford Bales, President Thomas J. Haas, Marcia Haas.
Image credit - Courtesy Photo
Marcia Haas, left, and President Thomas J. Haas
Marcia Haas, left, and President Thomas J. Haas
Image credit - Courtesy Photo
Marcia Haas, left, and President Thomas J. Haas
Marcia Haas, left, and President Thomas J. Haas
Image credit - Courtesy Photo
The USS Gerald R. Ford
The USS Gerald R. Ford
Image credit - Courtesy Photo

President Thomas J. Haas and his wife, Marcia, along with President Emeritus Don Lubbers and his wife, Nancy, attended the commissioning of the U.S. Navy's newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, in Norfolk, Virginia, on July 22.

The supercarrier was named after President Gerald R. Ford, who served in the U.S. Naval Reserve in World War II from 1942-1946.

President Donald Trump and Susan Ford Bales, the daughter of President Ford, spoke at the event.

The USS Ford is the largest and most expensive warship in the United States fleet, and is designed to be the flagship of the Navy's new class of supercarriers. The ship covers 4.5 acres, weighs 100,000 tons, and cost nearly $13 billion. It is 1,106 feet long.

Sarah (Haas) Wrenn, daughter of President and Marcia Haas, served as a nuclear engineer in the Navy. Wrenn designed valves in the nuclear propulsions system on the aircraft carrier.


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