Kindschi fellowship will give students unique research opportunities

Students in a biology lab with plants in a petri dish
Biology students are pictured in a Kindschi Hall lab. A new fellowship supported by Doug Kindschi will provide undergraduate students with research fellowships.
Image credit - University Communications

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship is seeking applications from students for a new research fellowship.

The P. Douglas Kindschi Undergraduate Research Fellowship in the Sciences will provide student fellows with a $1,500 fellowship, allowing student researchers to pursue rigorous scholarship and be mentored by a faculty member.

Funded projects must be in one of the following fields: aquatic sciences, allied health professions, biology, biomedical sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, information systems, mathematics, movement science, physics, and statistics. Proposals related to the Barbara Kindschi Greenhouse are also encouraged. 

Doug Kindschi, who now serves as director of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute, said his and Barbara's interest in supporting this fellowship was driven by his longevity as dean, and his efforts to help shape Grand Valley's STEM departments. Kindschi served as dean of Science and Mathematics for 28 years.

"It was a privilege to create new programs and hire nearly 200 faculty in the sciences, engineering, mathematics and health sciences during my time as dean," he said. "My commitment to these fields and, particularly, to the students who want to pursue research in these areas continues."

Susan Mendoza, director of OURS, said the goals of this new fellowship are to encourage students through the process of research discovery, and better prepare them for graduate education. 

Successful applicants will have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be enrolled for at least one semester beyond the period of the award.

Mendoza said students can propose research projects to faculty members, or faculty can recruit an undergraduate student for a potential project. The fellowship supports research conducted during the fall or winter semesters.

Applications are due by May 1, details on how to apply are posted online, click here.


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