Laker volleyball team plays, sees sights in Slovenia, Italy

The GVSU Volleyball team poses for a picture in Slovenia.
The GVSU Volleyball team poses for a picture in Slovenia.
Image credit - Scott Richardson

The Laker volleyball team is in the middle of a major road trip this week, as the team plays five matches in 10 days against teams in Italy and Slovenia.

Between matches, the team is also seeing the sights in the two countries, including visiting Rome, Florence, Pisa, Venice and Pordenone in Italy, along with Bled and Maribor, in Slovenia.

They plan to visit the Colosseum, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, the Vatican Museum, and take part in a team activity on Pohorje Mountain in Slovenia. 

The team takes on the Slovenian U-23 national team two more times before returning to the U.S. on July 31. 

See more photographs from the team's trip on Twitter @GVSUVOLLEY


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