More than 230 employers expected at career fair

The fair, hosted by the Career Center, will take place from 1-5 p.m. at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids.
The fair, hosted by the Career Center, will take place from 1-5 p.m. at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids.
Image credit - Jess Weal

Job seekers will have the opportunity to meet more than 230 employers at the 2017 Winter Career Fair February 23 at DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids.

The fair, hosted by the Career Center at Grand Valley, will take place from 1-5 p.m. It is open to college students and alumni seeking professional employment or internship opportunities. 

Students can attend a workshop, "How to Talk to Employers," to learn about what to do, say and wear at the fair. Two sessions are available. One will take place February 15, from 5-7 p.m. in room 1008 of the L. William Seidman Center on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus. The other will take place February 16 from 4-5 p.m. in room 2263 of the Kirkhof Center on the Allendale Campus. 

Pre-registration for the fair is not required, but students should bring their student ID. Follow and participate in the conversation on Twitter at @GVSUcareers and #GVCareerFair. 

For a list of registered employers, visit


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