Search for provost will continue

Photo of Zumberge Hall with fountain in front
More candidates for Grand Valley's provost will be selected and brought to campus for interviews.
Image credit - University Communications

More candidates for Grand Valley's provost will be selected and brought to campus for interviews, search committee co-chairs Teri Losey and Jon Jellema announced February 14. 

The decision of President Thomas J. Haas to continue the search affirms the assessment of the search committee. 

Haas noted that while the candidates thus far have been well-qualified, "no one succeeded in capturing the enthusiasm of the campus community." In reaching his decision, Haas also weighed the comments from the search committee, members of the campus community, board members, and members of his own and the provost’s cabinets. 

He said continuing a search is not unusual, citing the search for University Libraries dean was extended before finding a successful candidate. 

The search firm, Isaacson Miller, will continue its work, as will the search committee. The co-chairs said to expect more candidates to interview on campus later this semester.



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