Applications being accepted for leadership development program

image of Cultivate
Cultivate, a new leadership development program, will begin in September.
Image credit - courtesy photo

Applications are now being accepted from faculty and staff members for a new inclusive leadership development program that will begin in September.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Education office, Cultivate will offer participants a unique approach to leadership development through a lens of inclusion and equity. Learn more at; the deadline to submit applications is April 30.

Relando Thompkins-Jones, social justice educator/coordinator, said the catalyst to establish the program was the 2015 campus climate survey that indicated people of color had greater levels of employee dissatisfaction, and most survey respondents said more diversity education and training for supervisors should be provided.

The curriculum will combine evidence-based research and practical application. Cultivate partners are Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center, Human Resources, and Division of Inclusion and Equity. The program's focus areas include building inclusive teams, employee growth and development, leading with authenticity, and cultural humility.

The time commitment is one afternoon per month, September-April. Faculty and staff who have leadership positions with direct reports are eligible to apply; support from a vice president and appointing officer are required.



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