Christopher inducted into Sustainable Business Hall of Fame

Norman Christopher, executive director of the Office of Sustainability Practices, was inducted into the West Michigan Sustainable Business Hall of Fame at a reception October 10 in Grand Rapids.
The West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum awarded Christopher with its lifetime achievement award at its annual Triple Bottom Line Bash at the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts. The award recognizes individuals who provide extraordinary contributions to the growth of sustainable business in West Michigan.
Daniel Schoonmaker, executive director of the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum, said Christopher has been a fixture in the local sustainability scene for years.
"Among many accomplishments, Norman helped establish sustainability as a value of the university and helped form the Grand Rapids Community Sustainability Partnerships, as well as similar partnerships in cities across the state," he said.
Anne Hiskes, dean of the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, said Christopher has made a lasting impact on Grand Valley and West Michigan through his untiring advocacy for sustainability best practices in all sectors.
"Norman makes sure that he is always informed about emerging best practices and has always been quick to share his knowledge and expertise," she said.
Christopher is a past chairman of the Family Owned Business Council, a 2000 graduate of Leadership Grand Rapids, and a co-founder of the Grand Rapids Community Sustainability Partnership. He was appointed to serve on Gov. Granholm’s Michigan Climate Action Council and the U.S. Department of Commerce Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee.
Christopher has experience in various management capacities and has improved business performance at chemical companies such as Lubrizol Corporation and Haviland Enterprises in Grand Rapids.
He earned degrees from University of North Carolina and the University of Connecticut, and completed the Program for Management Development at Harvard University.
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