Grand Valley-authorized charter school named National Blue Ribbon School

The 2018 National Blue Ribbon School award logo
Image credit - Courtesy US Department of Education
The 2018 National Blue Ribbon School award logo
Image credit - Courtesy US Department of Education

Achieve Charter Academy, a Grand Valley-authorized charter school in Canton, has been awarded a prestigious 2018 National Blue Ribbon School award by the U.S. Department of Education.

Achieve Charter Academy is one of just two charter schools, and 13 total schools in the state to be recognized. Only 349 schools nationwide received the honor.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes several hundred outstanding schools annually. The program celebrates school excellence, turnaround stories, and closing subgroup achievement gaps. During the past 36 years, the award has been given to more than 8,800 American schools representing a wide cross-section of schools across the country.


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