GVPD gives tips in event of active threat

The Grand Valley Police Department is reminding the campus community how to respond in the event of an active threat on campus.
The Grand Valley Police Department is reminding the campus community how to respond in the event of an active threat on campus.
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski

Following the March 2 act of domestic violence at Central Michigan University, the Grand Valley Police Department is reminding the campus community how to respond in the event of an active threat on campus.

GVPD officers said remember the rule: run, hide, fight.


• Have an escape route plan in mind;

• Leave your belongings;

• Keep your hands visible;

• Do not pull a fire alarm. This can put others in harm’s way;

• Keep objects or buildings between you and the hostile intruder.


• Hide in an area out of the suspect's view;

• Lock all doors and place objects to block or barricade entry into your hiding place;

• Turn off lights, silence cellphones, close blinds;

• Dial 911 only when safe to do so.


• As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger;

• Act with others to incapacitate the suspect;

• Act with physical aggression and throw items at the suspect.

For more information, including how to respond during other emergencies, like a fire, tornado or bomb threat, visit gvsu.edu/emergency, and click "Do you know what to do?"



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