New departments 'Certified Healthy'

group of people
The Center for Adult and Continuing Studies was among the new departments recognized for creating a healthy office culture.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
group of people standing
Movement Science faculty and staff members with President Thomas J. Haas and Lindsey DesArmo, health and wellness manager (far right).
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski
people standing
Office of Sustainability Practices
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski

Four new departments were recognized as "Certified Healthy" by the Health and Wellness team.

The Center for Adult and Continuing Studies, School of Computing and Information Systems, Movement Science, and Office of Sustainability Practices met criteria for creating a healthy office culture by participating in programs and using available resources.

Departments can apply for certification, criteria include use of exercise release time, flexible work arrangements and participation in the Healthy Choices Wellness Program. Learn more by clicking here.

Lindsey DesArmo, health and wellness manager, said since its inception in 2014, 20 university departments have been recognized as Certified Healthy.



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