Unique networking event connects adult students

woman seated talking in a restaurant to groups at tables
Alumna Julie Wesselink addresses participants at the first Lifelong Learning on Tap event.
Image credit - Ben Hunt
woman addressing people at a restaurant
Lisa Knapp, Career Center advisor, talks about a winding career path.
Image credit - Ben Hunt

The Center for Adult and Continuing Studies brewed up a unique networking series for nontraditional students and launched the first event August 16 at DeHop's Brewing Company and Cafe in Walker.

"Lifelong Learning on Tap" connects adult students to each other, Grand Valley and community resources. At the first event, Lisa Knapp, Career Center advisor, and Julie Wesselink, a Grand Valley alumna and veterinarian, each spoke briefly about winding career paths. 

Wesselink earned a bachelor's degree in English then a veterinary degree from Michigan State University. "If you're thinking of switching careers, go ahead and just do it," she said. "It's becoming more of the norm to change careers when you get the seven- or 10-year itch."

She listed several advantages nontraditional students have when they come to the classroom: better time management skills, more life experiences and solid support groups.

Chazz Darling, a liberal studies major, called the event successful. "These are the people who I want to hang out with: people who understand what it's like to go to school, work and have a family," he said.

Upcoming dates and speakers for Lifelong Learning on Tap are listed below. All events will run from 5:30-7 p.m. at DeHop's Brewing Company and Cafe, 363 Cummings Ave. NW in Walker. The events are free and light appetizers are provided, participants purchase their own beverages. 

• September 20: Beers and Books, with presentation from Jeff Daniels, associate dean for University Libraries 

• October 18: Fall into Finance, with presentation from Financial Aid and Veterans Upward Bound staff members

• November 15: Stress Management, with presentation from Arbor Circle representative

• December 20: End of Semester Celebration

Learn more and RSVP online at gvsu.edu/learn/ontap


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