Computer science professor's paper named Top 10 of all time by trade group

Scott Grissom, professor and assistant director of the School of Computing and Information Systems, has been recognized for his work on one of the Top 10 research papers in the field of computer science education.
Grissom was recognized as the co-author of one of the Top 10 papers in the history of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). The organization is the recognized international body representing computer science education.
Grissom is the co-author of "A Multi-institutional Study of Peer Instruction in Introductory Computing.” He and the other authors were recognized at the organization's 50th annual symposium in March in Minnesota.
"The Top Ten Symposium Papers of All Time Award will emphasize the outstanding research that underpins and informs how students of all ages learn computing," said SIGCSE board chair Amber Settle, of DePaul University. "We also believe that highlighting excellent research will inspire others to enter the computing education field and make their own contributions.”
Settle said that computing has grown from a niche field of study to one of the most popular majors in higher education, and that more and more students are being taught computing in K-12 settings.
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, uniting educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field's challenges.
For more information, visit acm.org.
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