Global Café brings together international, domestic students

Global Café, a new initiative on campus to encourage globalization, offers a cozy space for international and domestic students to share their experiences about travel, language and culture.
The student organization Bringing Together the World, Padnos International Center, and Lilia Hauenstein, a senior at Grand Valley, made this idea come to life after Hauenstein experienced an event called “global lounge” while she was studying abroad in Japan.
“It was basically a space for international, foreign exchange and domestic students to interact, share passion for travel and exchange languages and culture,” Hauenstein said. “I was impacted by that, and have been able to contact people from all over the world. Grand Valley really needs something like this.”
After a year and three different proposals to Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Global Café kicked off August 28, with enough people in attendance that many had to sit on the floor.
Jowei Yek, a member of Bringing Together the World, said the goal of Global Café is to increase cultural competency on campus.
“We want to make this space a resource for everyone to come and better understand various cultures,” Yek said. “This year is really about proving that this space is worth it, so we can provide this space continuously to students who need it.”
Global Café offers coffee and tea and is open weekdays from noon-1 p.m. in Lake Ontario Hall, room 163. More information can be found on Facebook at facebook.com/gvsuglobalcafe.
— written by student writer Olivia Conaty
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