News from Grand Valley State University

Haas tells House subcommittee education key to state's future

President Thomas J. Haas, far left, and Student Senate President Rachel Jenkin, third from left, testified before the Michigan House Subcommittee on Higher Education February 14.
President Thomas J. Haas, far left, and Student Senate President Rachel Jenkin, third from left, are pictured with other student senators and state Rep. Bradley Slagh, R-Zeeland, fourth from left, and Mark Huizenga, R-Walker.
Image credit - Courtesy photo

Grand Valley State University President Thomas J. Haas testified for his 13th and final time before the Michigan House Subcommittee on Higher Education. He reminded lawmakers that Michigan's Constitution states education is to be a priority of the government. 

He delivered his remarks in Lansing February 14. This is his last time because he will retire as president June 30. He has been unrelenting during his tenure as the leader of the university in his insistence that higher education is a public good and requires the investment of the state to fulfill its potential and secure the state's future.

Haas' full remarks can be seen here.

Remarks from Student Senate President Rachel Jenkin can be seen here.


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