News from Grand Valley State University

Photos and video: GVSU move-in week 2019

New and returning Grand Valley students move in to living centers.
New and returning Grand Valley students received a helping hand from more than 700 volunteers who carried furniture, boxes and other personal items into living centers during move-in August 19-21.
Image credit - Sarah Anderson
GVSU students in living center during move-in week.
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski
GVSU President Philomena Mantella addresses the Laker Marching Band during move-in week.
GVSU President Philomena Mantella addresses the Laker Marching Band during move-in week.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
GVSU students check in during move-in week.
Image credit - Sarah Anderson
Louie the Laker helps students move in to a GVSU living center.
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski
GVSU President Philomena Mantella greets students during move-in.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A family moves a GVSU student into a living center.
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski
Board of Trustees members Sue Jandernoa and Beth Emmitt greet students at move-in
GVSU Board of Trustees members Sue Jandernoa and Beth Emmitt hand out ice cream during move-in week.
Image credit - Sarah Anderson
A GVSU student poses with a large poster she brought to GVSU move-in.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Mark Murray Living Center during move-in week 2019 at GVSU.
Image credit - Sarah Anderson

New and returning Grand Valley students received a helping hand from more than 700 volunteers who carried furniture, boxes and other personal items into living centers during move-in August 19-21. 

Hundreds of alumni, students, faculty and staff members helped more than 6,000 students move onto the Allendale and Pew Grand Rapids campuses. President Philomena V. Mantella greeted students and their families as they moved into living centers across campus.

Two orientation programs began August 18: Black Excellence Orientation welcomed new Black/African American students to campus and Laker Familia Orientation welcomed new Latino/a students. 

Transitions, Grand Valley's orientation program for new students, kicked off August 21. For the full Transitions schedule, visit

Faculty and staff members will welcome the newest class of students Friday, August 23, during Convocation, a celebration that marks the beginning of the academic year. The ceremony will take place at 11:30 a.m. in the Fieldhouse on the Allendale Campus. Visit for more information. 


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