News from Grand Valley State University
A black and white photo of a crowd at GVSU solidarity march

GVSU community members march in solidarity for Black lives

President Philomena V. Mantella and other university leaders join student-led march

Dressed in black, wearing face coverings and shouting “Black lives matter,” members of the Grand Valley community marched through the Allendale Campus in solidarity for racial equality. 

More than 100 students, faculty and staff members participated in the student-led march through campus on Friday, October 9. They were joined by President Philomena V. Mantella and several other university leaders. 

People embrace at the GVSU solidarity march on the Allendale Campus Friday, October 9.
People embrace at the GVSU solidarity march on the Allendale Campus Friday, October 9.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
A black and white photo of a woman wearing a "silence is violence" face covering
Participants of GVSU solidarity march on Friday, October 9.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
People march through the Allendale Campus on Friday, October 9.
People march through the Allendale Campus on Friday, October 9 in support of racial equality and anti-racism.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

The march began at the Cook Carillon Tower with a moment of silence. Participants marched through campus behind the Padnos Hall of Science, over the Little Mac Bridge and gathered again at the carillon tower.

The march was organized by the members of the Black Greek Council and Multicultural Greek Council within the Office of Student Life.

GVSU President Philomena V. Mantella and Vice President for Inclusion and Equity Jesse Bernal at the campus solidarity march
GVSU President Philomena V. Mantella and Vice President for Inclusion and Equity Jesse Bernal at the campus solidarity march Friday, October 9.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

Martez Lopez, president of the Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity and co-organizer, said he and the other organizers didn't expect such a large turnout. 

"Seeing this many people come out and support us, it's really motivating to keep doing more," Lopez said. "I want these people to remember that the work starts here. You came out and did this, but there's still more to do." 

A black and white photo of a group of people with their fists raised at the GVSU solidarity march on the Allendale Campus on Friday, October 9.
A group of people raise their fists at the GVSU solidarity march on the Allendale Campus on Friday, October 9.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills


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