GVSU student a cappella group sings virtual message of hope

Photo of student group, Euphoria
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

A virtual video message, put together by a student a cappella group to spread hope and positivity, is being shared widely on social media.

Members of Euphoria said they decided to be a part of President Philomena V. Mantella's effort to spread messages of positivity during these challenging times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The group got creative in their video as they sang, "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers.

Joe Vanarendonk, president of Euphoria, said it was difficult for students, especially seniors, when the semester was abruptly cut short. "Physical distance doesn't keep us from maintaining communication or making music." 

He said the Grand Valley community is "one you can lean on and come back to."

Members of the Grand Valley State community are being encouraged to share short video messages on social media with #GVPositivity.


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