News from Grand Valley State University

Lake Huron Hall reopens after major renovation

Lake Huron Hall, one of the original buildings on the Allendale Campus, has reopened after a major renovation with new offices and classrooms and redesigned study spaces.

Built in 1963, Lake Huron Hall (LHH) is one of the three “lake” buildings original to the campus. The other two are Lake Michigan Hall and Lake Superior Hall.

Karen Ingle, associate vice president for Facilities Planning, said the preservation of the building was essential to maintain historical value and continued use of the building.

“Lake Huron Hall is the only lake building that hasn’t seen a major renovation since it was built,” said Ingle. “The building infrastructure and systems were in need of replacement.”

LLH is home to the English and Classics departments. Kathryn Remlinger, professor of English, has had an office in LHH for most of her 25 years at GVSU. 

“The remodel is beautiful — full of light and color, which energizes and motivates, and with spaces for quiet reflection as well as active collaboration,” she said. “The design mirrors our student-centered approach to teaching and learning and the quality work that faculty do in and beyond the classroom.”

Melissa Morison, associate professor and chair of the Classics Department, said Lake Huron Hall encapsulates the history of Grand Valley as a place of innovation, teamwork and proactive adaptation to new challenges.

“The current remodel preserves the historic exterior of the building but has completely reconfigured the interior, creating new spaces that support creative approaches to learning,” said Morison. “Flexible collaboration and study areas, in multiple configurations, encourage faculty-student interaction beyond the classroom.”

A new study area with new windows in Lake Huron Hall.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
Students viewing art in Lake Huron Hall.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
Art displayed in Lake Huron Hall.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

Morison said the building includes an “amazing array of art” from University Collections. GVSU Art Gallery staff members collaborated with English and classics faculty members to select works that support learning outcomes and promote critical thinking.

Ingle said the $9.1 million renovation project included several major improvements including:

  • Building revisions to make ADA compliant
  • New fire protection system
  • New HVAC system, ductwork and piping, and building controls
  • New membrane roof
  • Conversion of exterior balconies to interior study spaces
  • LEED Certification

New enclosed balcony area in Lake Huron Hall.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
New classroom in Lake Huron Hall.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
Student studying in Lake Huron Hall.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills


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