Fitting for Earth Day, Grand Valley students and faculty members spent time April 22 kayaking on the Grand River, launching from Grand Ravines North County Park, near the Allendale Campus. They were joined on the shoreline by President Philomena V. Mantella and Provost Maria Cimitile.
It's the second time leaders from Making Waves hosted the kayak outing; the first event was in 2019.
Peter Wampler, professor of geology, has co-led the Making Waves initiative since it was established in 2019. Wampler said the initiative will move permanently to the Frederik Meijer Honors College.
"Giving Making Waves a permanent home provides more opportunities for collaboration in the future," Wampler said.
When Cimitile introduced Making Waves, she said its goal is to explore the myriad of ways water touches our lives, especially given the university's proximity to the Grand River and Lake Michigan.
The next Making Waves event is the Confluence Conversation on May 12, when Steve Ruberg, from NOAA's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, will give a presentation, "Robotic and Real-time Technology for Great Lakes Ecosystem Observations." Details are online at