News from Grand Valley State University
A screenshot of GVSU student senators and staff members during the state of the student body address on March 25

Student Senate highlights successes during virtual State of the Student Body address

Interim Grand Valley Student Senate President Grace McMahon and other senate vice presidents highlighted accomplishments and upcoming work during the second State of the Student Body address. 

President Philomena V. Mantella joined students, faculty and staff members for the March 25 address, which was held virtually.

McMahon and student senate leaders shared some of the senate’s recent successes. Among those was the senate's collaboration with the Community Service Learning Center to register hundreds of students to vote and cast a ballot in the 2020 presidential election. 

Other successes shared included Battle of the Valleys returning in Fall 2021, Student Senate week events and alternative campus programming, since registered student organizations could not travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Senators took the opportunity to promote ongoing senate elections and upcoming events, such as the Center for Women and Gender Equity’s Take Back the Night.

Although the pandemic has presented challenges, many senators shared how they have adjusted and made progress in ensuring student voices are heard by administration. 

McMahon closed the address by thanking the attendees and reminding them it is the student senate’s goal to cultivate a student body that is engaged, healthy and empowered.

“The ability to work together is one of the ways to achieve great things,” McMahon said.


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