News from Grand Valley State University
A screenshot of people on Zoom for the GVSU faculty, staff and student Reach Higher 2025 huddle on February 25, 2021

Students, faculty and staff discuss campus environment and priorities in Reach Higher 2025 huddle

Grand Valley students joined faculty and staff members to share ideas for the university’s future. A new strategic plan will emerge from these Reach Higher 2025 huddles and will run from 2022 through 2025. 

President Philomena V. Mantella listened and engaged with participants during the February 25 virtual huddle. GVSU's current strategic plan expires after the current academic year. 

Participants discussed the university’s campus environment and how it drives the university’s mission. 

“Strategy starts with the environment, trying to understand the shifts, and distinguishing ourselves from others with similar missions,” Mantella said. “We know fundamentally Grand Valley has assets — first and foremost in its people.” 

In breakout sessions, participants discussed why they came to GVSU, what keeps them at the university and ways in which the university might be shifting. 

During group discussion, there was an emphasis on identifying what makes Grand Valley unique and priorities that will bring about positive change. Several participants highlighted innovation and the desire to be a more inclusive and diverse campus community.

Three people are leading the Reach Higher 2025 Steering Committee: Tara Bivens, benefits manager in Human Resources; Mark Schaub, dean of the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies; and Janet Winter, associate dean in the Kirkhof College of Nursing. The list of committee members is posted online.

Steering Committee members continue to gather feedback from across the university on the draft language for the Mission, Vision and Values. That input will be incorporated into new drafts.

Adrian Hall, Eric Siegrist, John Jones and Britney Terrell are students and members of the Steering Committee. They are encouraging their fellow Lakers to get involved with a process that will transform the university. 

The second huddle is scheduled for Monday, March 1. Members of the campus community can also provide feedback by sending an email to [email protected].

Reach Higher 2025


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