News from Grand Valley State University

Virus Action Team update: Alert level drops to Level 1

A person getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Image credit - Valerie Hendrickson

For the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic, the GVSU alert level dropped to Level 1, or low level, on June 7.

The GVSU alert level is a reflection of the campus level and trajectory, as well as local and regional indicators, of the spread of COVID-19. All indicators on the GVSU Data Dashboard support being at Level 1. 

The low number of cases on campus can be attributed, in part, to students, faculty and staff members getting vaccinated. We continue to urge everyone to get the vaccine as soon as possible and record your status in your online self-assessment .

Level 1 doesn’t mean COVID is over. The best avenue toward a new “normal” campus environment for Fall 2021, with more in-person classes and experiences, is getting as many campus community members vaccinated as possible.

Walk-in opportunities and appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine are available at these clinics:

Fully Vaccinated Individuals:

  • If you are exposed to COVID-19, you do NOT need to isolate or quarantine unless you have symptoms and/or test positive
  • You do NOT have to participate in GVSU COVID testing unless you have symptoms

GVSU’s face covering policy remains in effect. Further adjustments to policies will be considered as we see the student vaccination rate rise within the campus community. A full breakdown of alert level considerations and indicators is available, as well as the current status of GVSU indicators. 


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