Virus Action Team update: Campus Readiness Team appointed

Grand Valley is looking forward to increased in-person academic courses, as well as student engagement opportunities this Fall Semester. Planning is underway and will be directed by public health conditions.
The Campus Readiness Team (CRT) has been formed and is now meeting weekly to develop plans, set timelines and guidelines, and consider space requests in the transition period from the end of Winter Semester through the start of the Fall Semester.
The Virus Action Team will continue to provide university guidance regarding health and safety protocols to include in the events matrix and other COVID-related university policies. Grand Valley will continue to follow CDC, state, health department and MIOSHA guidance.
The CRT can be reached via email at [email protected]. For a list of team members, visit Lakers Together.

Allergies or COVID?
The expansion of free, on-campus antigen testing through the GVSU COVID-19 Testing Program has been met with great response. Since expanding our testing capabilities on March 1, GVSU has provided more than 10,000 rapid-response antigen tests for students, faculty and staff at the Allendale and Pew Grand Rapids testing sites.
COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the state and within our surrounding communities. With the start of spring allergy season, it is important to note many of the most common allergy symptoms are similar to that of COVID-19.
You should report your symptoms on your daily online self-assessment and follow the directions to be tested if:
- You have traveled in the previous 14 days
- You have participated in activities (dining, exercise, been with people outside of your household, etc.) without social distancing or wearing a face covering
- Your symptoms feel “different” from your normal allergy symptoms or your symptoms don’t respond to your allergy medication
- You have additional non-allergy symptoms: loss of taste or smell, or a fever

Time to Register for a Vaccine
More than 2,700 faculty, staff and students have reported on the self-assessment receiving at least one dose of vaccine, while more than 1,800 report being completely vaccinated.
Beginning April 5, all Michiganders age 16 and older will be eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Register for an appointment through yourhealth care provider, local health department, hospital or pharmacy.
- Register through your local health department. Click here for more information.
- If you live in West Michigan, visit Vaccinate West Michigan to register in several places.
- Information about COVID vaccines can be found on the Vaccine Page on the Lakers Together website.
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