Virus Action Team update: Safety protocols still required of those who have had the COVID-19 virus or vaccine

Student properly wearing a face covering.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

Below are important clarifications concerning GVSU’s self-assessment and face covering policies.

Self-Assessment Participation

Everyone is expected to fill out the online self-assessment each day, including those who are not on campus, and those who have had the COVID-19 virus or vaccine. Report positive COVID-19 test results or exposure within 24 hours.

  • Employees must complete a self-assessment on any day they are working on campus.
  • Students coming to campus for class or work must complete a self-assessment before coming to campus.
  • While not required, it is expected that all members of the GVSU community will complete the self-assessment daily to support efforts to protect the health of the community. The self-assessment triggers health and academic supports and next steps as needed.
  • Learn how to create an easy-to-use bookmark for the self-assessment on your smartphone.

Face Covering Policy

  • Face coverings are still required, even if you have had the COVID-19 virus or vaccine.
  • Face coverings that cover the mouth and nose are required indoors. Face coverings are required outdoors when not alone.
  • Find out more about the GVSU face covering policy, which includes information about how to choose face coverings that provide the best protection.
  • Face coverings, combined with social distancing, are currently the best protection against the new variants of COVID-19, which are reported to spread more easily and quickly.
Student properly wearing a face covering.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
Student properly wearing a face covering.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

COVID-19 & Vaccine Town Hall

Results from the Virus Action Team survey on COVID-19 and vaccines indicate many people are seeking more information about the vaccines. In response, GVSU will be hosting a virtual town hall with local health and medical experts to answer those questions.


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