News from Grand Valley State University
 A person walks out of Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall into a snowy afternoon on Grand Valley State University�s Health Campus earlier this month.

GVSU in photos, February 2022: Examinations, animations and wintry outdoor learning

A student's eyes peak over the top of three different colored carnation flowers.
Jalen Rodriguez took advantage of the free carnations being handed out Feb. 10 in the Kirkhof Center to celebrate Valentine's Day. Rodriguez is studying psychology.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 Close up image of a pink voo doo lily.
A voodoo lily blooms Feb. 21 in the office of chemistry professor Todd Carlson, professor of chemistry. The voodoo lily smells like rotting flesh when it blooms.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
Two students hold metal devices in their hands while they stand in the snowy woods. One student is looking down at a device she has hanging around her neck.
Anna Brillhart, left, and Zachary Malinowski use telemetry and GPS equipment to research overwintering den association in Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) in the ravines on the GVSU Allendale Campus on Feb 10, 2022.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
A person stands in the forest between trees pointing a devise with a red laser at a tree. The person is wearing a black coat and dark protective glasses.
Student Steven Polaski utilizes a distance measuring device containing a red laser to determine the distance between him and the tree. The distance is used in a formula to find the height of the trees from which the data is collected.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A person looks at a yellow notebook while another person measures the girth of a tree trunk in the forest.
Students Victoria Lutz and Steven Polaski compare measurements of trees with ones previously analyzed. They do the comparison because they must measure and document a variety of tree sizes for their study.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A person is reflected in a mirror sitting on her bed studying.
Cancer survivor and GVSU student Sarah Conway sits on her living center bed to study.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
In the photo on the left L. William Seidman Center is silhouetted against the morning sky on GVSU's Pew Campus. In the photo on the right a student walks through a doorway at the Richard M. DeVos Center on Grand Valley State University’s Pew Campus.
Left: L. William Seidman Center is silhouetted against the morning sky on GVSU's Pew Campus. Right: A student walks through Richard M. DeVos Center on Feb. 8.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
Two people are reflected in a computer screen talking, while the professor beyond the computer, talks with a student about her work.
Julie Goldstein, assistant professor of film and video production, assists a student during her animation class, while students reflected in a computer screen in the foreground collaborate on their animations.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A student aims a pool cue at colorful billiard balls on a pool table.
Friends Alex Oda, pictured, and Alyssa LaFave play a game of pool inside the game room at the Kirkhof Center Feb. 4. LaFave had just finished taking a chemistry exam and said a game of pool was a good way to start the weekend.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
A man stands in front of a blue trophy case with the words "GLIAC Champions" above the case.
Walter Moore, associate director of athletics for student athlete welfare and development, poses in front of a trophy case in the Fieldhouse.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A smiling student looks at an insect in a container filled with water while a professor points to the insect.
Eric Snyder, professor of biology at GVSU, left, looks at the samples that student Margaret Winter collected during her aquatic insects class Feb. 24. Snyder took his students to sample for aquatic insects in the Honey Creek in Seidman Park near Ada.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills


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