Grand Valley will be an institution-wide sponsor at the Holland and Grand Rapids Pride Festivals this year. These sponsorships are the result of a collaboration across multiple departments, including the LGBT Alumni network, Admissions and Recruitment, Inclusion and Equity, and the Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center.
“There was elation in seeing this collaboration bring about real-time action and support,” said DL McKinney, director of the Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center. “We all live in the communities we are supporting. This is more than just something we are engaging with during work hours.”
To Lex Larkspur, a student employee at the LGBT Resource Center, the sponsorships show Grand Valley is putting in the work to build a culture of educational equity.
“For a lot of young people going to Pride, they’re looking for pillars in the community who are vocally showing their support,” Larkspur said. “These students are stepping into a university, starting their adulthood; finally getting a chance to express themselves and experiment. I think Grand Valley being supportive – loudly, proudly – is really, really important, especially for those students. It shows that people like us make it.”