Bror Saxberg, founder of LearningForge , has spent his adult life researching how people learn and develop strategies for educators to implement in the classroom. But he said it was his own personal experience in the classroom that influenced his educational pathway and eventual career.
President Philomena V. Mantella, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Fatma Mili and Vice Provost for Graduate and Lifetime Learning Kara Van Dam welcomed Saxberg to the President’s Forum on October 25 at the Alumni House to discuss what his research reveals about how learners process information and retain it.
Mantella said she and Saxberg had met months ago and that she was “extremely impressed with the work he’s done over his lifetime.”
“I hope these discussions inspire more conversations among each other and how we can be thinking about our objective, which is always about the opportunity for Grand Valley to be the best in learning and the best in relevance for the students in our community,” Mantella said.
Saxberg said his chief motivation toward his field of study came from personal experience. Faced with the possibility of failing high school because of his handwriting, several teachers rallied to his side.
“I have truly terrible handwriting,” he said. “The whole faculty in my high school had a meeting about my handwriting because it was so awful, and they didn't know what to do.
“One teacher shut the meeting down and said, ‘This is ridiculous. If you can’t read his handwriting, bring it to me.’”