President Mantella at a lectern with students whose works were being highlighted at the Reach Higher Showcase.

Reach Higher Showcase provides stage for action and innovation

Mantella announces two initiatives that challenge the status quo and advance new thinking in higher education

Abby Sachs, program manager with Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy, raises her arms in celebration as a student spins a game wheel at the Reach Higher Showcase booth April 21.
Abby Sachs, program manager with Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy, reacts to a student spinning a game wheel at their Reach Higher Showcase booth April 21.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

The inaugural Reach Higher Showcase kicked off on April 21 with Grand Valley President Philomena V. Mantella announcing two new initiatives designed to challenge preconceived notions about how classes are taught and how curriculum is developed.

The first, Project Grand Path, is the region’s first and only student-led maker community creating learning opportunities between the physical and virtual world. This experiential model in XR (mixed reality) engages a multidisciplinary team of GVSU student coders and designers. Coached by faculty, staff, and select industry partners, they will develop products and offerings that create high-impact immersive learning environments.

Project Grand Path is being developed by Julie Goldstein, assistant professor of film and video production, and Jonathan Engelsma, director of GVSU’s Applied Computing Institute.

President Mantella smiles as she listens to two presenters explain their work at the Reach Higher Showcase
President Philomena V. Mantella smiles as she listens to Stacey Burns, left, and Liz English explain their work, the Revolutionary Love Project.
President Mantella takes a picture of a person from Human Resources showing off a Reach Higher T-shirt.
President Mantella takes a picture of Natalie Trent from Human Resources showing off a Reach Higher T-shirt.
Michelle McElroy, project manager for the HRSA ANEW grant at GVSU's Kirkhof College of Nursing stands by her booth at the Reach Higher Showcase April 21.
Michelle McElroy, project manager for the HRSA ANEW grant at GVSU's Kirkhof College of Nursing stands by her booth at the Reach Higher Showcase April 21.

The second initiative, Laker Learning Futures, is designed to identify new opportunities for innovation in learning and teaching and then rapidly deploy and assess their viability with organized faculty groups.

Designed by Robert Talbert, professor of mathematics and presidential fellow for the advancement of learning, Laker Learning Futures will support the testing of new instructional approaches and rigorously evaluate how these approaches affect student success.

“These initiatives, as well as many other creative, challenging and important works being shown today, are our community in action, delivering a radical impact and elevated value to our students, our community and our state,” Mantella said. “Innovations in higher education like these will help unlock the potential of our emerging leaders and set the course for Michigan’s future. I am grateful to the many faculty, staff, and student innovators leading the way.”

The two programs highlighted were among over 130 showcased. The day drew hundreds of visitors from West Michigan to learn about innovations emanating from GVSU.

The exposition at the DeVos Center on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus showcased innovative research, physical and virtual environments and new approaches to education.

The Showcase highlighted the real-world ways GVSU is fulfilling its commitments to delivering an empowered educational experience, a culture of educational equity and a lifetime of learning.

For more information on the Reach Higher Showcase, visit the event website.


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