Devan Washington distinctly remembers his first day as a teacher assistant. It was the start of the school year during the COVID-19 pandemic and 13 small kindergarten faces appeared in Zoom squares on his computer.
"On that first day, my cooperating teacher's internet went out, so I had to start the whole day by myself," said Washington, a 2021 Grand Valley graduate. "I was not ready for that, but it turned out to be a great experience."
Washington, who now teaches fifth grade at Fremont International Academy in Battle Creek, may have had to fly solo that day but he has been supported in his teaching career since. As a first-year teacher, he participated in the Early Career Teacher Mentoring program (ECT) through GVSU's College of Education and Community Innovation. Washington continues to receive guidance in the Professional Learning Community (PLC), a program for second- and third-year teachers.