Biomedical Sciences

GVSU receives grant to research cure for Parkinson's disease

A team of researchers from Grand Valley, Van Andel Research Institute and Rush University recently received a $500,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to test a possible cure for Parkinson's disease. The main targets of neuronal loss in Parkinson's disease are dopamine neurons, and this research project will test if the introduction of a modified protein, known as PM-Nato3, will protect those neurons from the toxicity of the disease.

Jan 4, 2018

First Beckman Scholar recipients selected

Two Grand Valley students were named Beckman Scholars and will each receive $21,500 grants to conduct 15-month research projects with faculty mentors.

May 8, 2017

Alumni earn business award, make community impact

Two Grand Valley alumni earned the "New Business of the Year" award from the Grandville-Jenison Chamber of Commerce after only one year in business as chiropractors and owners of a wellness center.

Feb 14, 2017

Departments earn 'healthy' designation

Three campus departments were newly designated "healthy" through participation in a Health and Wellness program.

Feb 13, 2017