
Grand Valley's identity incorporates a range of elements that make our communications distinct.
Our logos play a key role, identifying where our communications come from and what they represent.


Keep it Consistent

A brochure, letterhead, and postcard displaying the Grand Valley logo.

When you use Grand Valley's name and logos, you communicate on behalf of the university. Clearly and prominently display the Grand Valley logo on each communications piece.

Use it Right

A registered trademark circle-R icon, a shield icon, and a TM icon.

Our logos are registered trademarks, so it's critical that they are correctly used. Registered trademark regulations require us to actively monitor our logos for proper usage, else we risk losing our trademark.

Keep it Going

Icon of two people talking and an icon of a storefront with a checkmark of approval on it

Share this site with other campus communicators and vendors who work on Grand Valley projects. Consistently referring and adhering to these guidelines will leverage and enhance the university's reputation.

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Grand Valley Logo

Image of 3 Grand Valley logos: one marktop, one single-line, one markleft

Logo Permissions

In order to protect the integrity of our registered trademarks, we categorize our permissions based on the user's role and intent. Don't fall into one of the categories listed? Contact us for clarification.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff members may use the Grand Valley logo for university-related projects. Usage is subject to the standards on this site.

Commercially printing or reselling any items containing our trademarked logo must be done through one of our licensed vendors.

Search licensed vendors ⇒

Students and Alumni

Students and alumni are not allowed use the Grand Valley logo for individual/personal projects. This includes (but is not limited to) class projects, websites, resumés, conference and presentation materials, or personal promotions.

Registered Student Organizations

Once approved by University Marketing, a registered student organization may use a Grand Valley logo. Usage is subject to the standards outlined on this site.

Commercially printing or reselling any items containing our trademarked logo must be done through one of our licensed vendors. 

Request logo use approval ⇒

Search licensed vendors ⇒


Vendors are allowed to use the Grand Valley logo if they are registered with Affinity Licensing. Usage is subject to the rules outlined on this site.

Apply for a license ⇒

Search licensed vendors ⇒


Logo Components


The complete Grand Valley logo (also referred to as our "signature") has two main components: the logotype and the logomark.  

The logotype is the uniquely-drawn set of characters that form “Grand Valley State University”. The logomark is the "circle-G" shape. The combination of the two constitutes the university's official logo.

The signature may include our primary web address, but this is not a required component of the logo.

Treat the logo as artwork, not as typography. It cannot be accurately reproduced with any typeface and should not be modified in any way.

A bracket near the "circle G" is labeled "Circle G logomark". A bracket near the words "Grand Valley State University" in the logo is labeled "logotype". A bracket near the "www.gvsu.edu" is labeled "web address (optional)".


Logo Setups


(A) Markleft signature
Logomark horizontally centered left of two-line logotype. 

(B) Marktop signature
Logomark vertically centered above two-line logotype. 

(C) Single-line signature
Logomark horizontally centered left of one-line logotype.

Three Grand Valley logos: one markleft, one marktop, one single-line. The letter "A" is next to the markleft logo, "B" is next to the marktop logo, and "C" is next to the single-line logo.


Logo Minimum Dimensions


Markleft Grand Valley logo.

Markleft logo width must be ≥1.25 inches (print) or ≥90 pixels (digital).

Single-line GVSU logo.

Single-line logo width must be ≥2 inches (print) or ≥144 pixels (digital).

Marktop GVSU logo.

Marktop logo width must be ≥1 inch (print) or ≥72 pixels (digital).


Logo Color


The Grand Valley logo must be blueblack2-color (blue logomark and black logotype), or white (reversed).

Do not change the logo's color.

How to use our official colors ⇒

4 Grand Valley logos: one black, one blue, one black and blue, and one white.



Logo Website


The logo is available in versions with and without the official Grand Valley web address centered beneath the logotype. Both are appropriate for use. 

Treat the web address as part of the logo artwork. Do not alter or customize the web address.

The option to add a custom web address to a Grand Valley logo applies to combination logos only.

Grand Valley logos properly and improperly using web addresses beneath them.



Logo Contrast


Use the version that provides the strongest contrast against its background. Avoid placing the logo on a visually busy background.

Tip: If printing in black and white (greyscale), use the black logo.

A black Grand Valley logo against a light grey background, and a white Grand Valley logo against a dark blue background.


Logo in Emails


When placing a Grand Valley logo in emails, you must use the blue version of the logo. This ensures proper background contrast in both light and dark viewing modes.

Two emails: one in light mode, one in dark mode

Tutorial: Using Grand Valley Logos in Your Email Communications

How to properly use GVSU logos in emails



Logo Clear Space


Clear space is the amount of empty space surrounding the Grand Valley signature. Do not place other graphics or text in the clear space.

On each side of the signature, the amount of clear space should equal the height of the logomark of a markleft logo (the logomark on a marktop logo is proportionally larger than that on the markleft).

Grand Valley markleft logo


Solo Logomark


The logomark may be used on its own only if the complete logo is already present on the piece.

The logomark's color must be either white or blue.  


How to use Grand Valley blue ⇒



A brochure that incorrectly uses the logomark and one that correctly uses it.


Registered Trademark


The logo must include its ® registered trademark designation. Do not cut off, obscure, or attempt to alter the ® designation.

Registered trademark ® and copyright © use policy ⇒

A marktop Grand Valley logo.


Common Logo Usage Mistakes


Logos that have been stretched, distorted, or rotated, overlaid with a red X.

Do not stretch, distort, or rotate the logo.

A Grand Valley logo with parts of it deleted, overlayed with a red X.

Do not obscure, delete, or alter any elements of the logo.

A Grand Valley logo missing its registered trademark symbol. This is overlaid with a red X.

Do not display the logo without the trademark symbol ®.

Circle-G logomark repeated to create a pattern background. This is overlaid with a red X.

Do not create a decorative pattern using any part of the logo.

A Grand Valley logo with a teal and white gradient applied to it, overlaid by a red X.

Do not change the logo's color.

A Grand Valley logo with a graduation cap on top of the circle-g logomark. A red X overlays the image.

Do not add other artwork to the logo.

A Grand Valley logo with a line underneath it. A different logo that reads "The Center for Important Studies" is right below the line and the Grand Valley logo. A red X overlays it.

Do not combine the logo with other logos, designs, or marks.

A dark blue Grand Valley logo on a dark blue background. The background is minimally lighter than the logo, making it difficult to read. A red X overlays it.

Do not use the logo on a background that provides insufficient contrast.

A Grand Valley logo in the upper-left corner of a piece of paper. The paper is hole-punched and one of the holes cuts into the logo. A red X overlays the image.

Do not place the logo where a hole-punch or binding may interfere with it.

A Grand Valley logo on the front of a pink-colored-paper brochure. The logo is reversed out of a black rectangle, making it the same color as the paper--pink. A red X overlays the image.

Do not reverse the logo out to a color other than white. When using colored paper, use the blue, 2-color, or black logo.

The circle-G logomark next to the words "Grand Valley State University" in a font that looks similar to the logotype artwork. A red X overlays the image.

Do not attempt to replicate the logo in a different font.

The logotype on its own. A red X overlays the image.

Do not use the logotype without the logomark accompanying it.


Download the Grand Valley Logo


Be sure to review the permissions and guidelines for Grand Valley logo use on this page before proceeding.

Logo Asset Pack


Our all-in-one logo asset pack makes using a Grand Valley logo quick and easy. It contains all markleft, marktop, and single-line Grand Valley logos, in black, blue, 2-color, and white, including multiple file formats for both print and online use. The markleft and marktop logos also come in versions that include the GVSU web address.

Download Grand Valley logo asset pack (.zip, 7.3MB) ⇓ 

The various Grand Valley logos included in the logo pack.

Logo variations included in the Grand Valley logo asset pack. Note: the white logos have transparent backgrounds. The blue background boxes used in this image are to demonstrate their use.

Logo Asset File Types






Printed items
Note: Microsoft Office 365 applications on PCs do not allow .eps placement into documents. Use the .svg format instead. Macs are unaffected by this.


Scale to any size without clarity loss


Printed items


Scale to any size without clarity loss


Digital items viewed on screen


Blurry when scaled larger than 100%


Digital items viewed on screen

Solid white

Blurry when scaled larger than 100%

Grand Valley Combination Logo

Marktop and markleft combination logos

Combination Logo Permissions


Grand Valley colleges, schools, academic departments, administrative units, institutes, and centers may use a combination logo. Individual programs do not get unique combination logos.

Please Note

Using a combination logo directly represents Grand Valley, demonstrates official status, and unifies the experience for our audiences. Creating your own unique department logo causes confusion for those interacting with the university and undermines our visual identity overall. Therefore, creating your own logo is strictly prohibited.

Combination Logo Components


A Grand Valley combination logo has two components: the complete Grand Valley logo and the unit’s name, which is placed beneath the logotype. This lockup functions as the unit's logo.

Treat the logo as artwork, not as typography. It cannot be accurately reproduced with any typeface and should not be modified in any way.

University Marketing combination logo


Combination Logo Setups


Combination logos come in two setups: markleft and marktop. Single-line combination logos are not permitted.

(A) Markleft
Logomark horizontally centered left of two-line logotype. Unit name vertically centered beneath logotype.

(B) Marktop
Logomark vertically centered above two-line logotype. Unit name vertically centered beneath logotype.

Markleft combination logo with the letter "A", marktop combination logo with the letter "B"


Additional Combination Logo Guidelines


Combination logo minimum dimensions, clear space, color, contrast, email, and registered trademark guidelines are the same that apply to the Grand Valley logo.


Combination Logo Web Address


If desired, you may add a unique web address under your combination logo. The link must direct to a page on the official Grand Valley website. This option to add a unique web address applies to combination logos only.

Gill Sans (preferred), Gotham, Arial, or Helvetica

Text size
Half the letter "Y"s height in "VALLEY" (X) (Excluding letters with ascenders and descenders, i.e. "d" and "g")

Centered under the unit's name, distance from the name should equal (X)

University Marketing combination logo


Request a Combination Logo

Do you represent one of Grand Valley's colleges, schools, centers, or departments and need an official combination logo? 

Request a Grand Valley combination logo ⇒

Other University Marks


University Seal


The official presidential seal lends formality to communications on which it appears. It is used on very limited occasions and only by permission of the Office of the President.

Do not use the seal on any university communications without acquiring explicit permission from the Office of the President first.

Watermarked image of the university seal


Laker for a Lifetime


Laker for a Lifetime is the initiative promoting the idea that students continue to share their Laker Effect long after graduation—continually using their skills, training, and critical and creative thinking to positively impact the world around them in both personal and professional pursuits. 

The Laker for a Lifetime type treatment has been phased out. Going forward, please refer to these guidelines when using Laker for a Lifetime in print.


Athletics Logo


The Athletics Department regulates permissions and usage of all athletics logos. Athletics marks are reserved for athletics use only. Academic units cannot use them. 

Questions and requests should be directed to the Athletics Marketing and Promotions team.

View Athletics logos usage guide ⇒

GV athletics logo


Special Text Treatments: Anniversaries


Colleges, schools, institutes, centers and other select units may request a special anniversary text treatment to be used during the anniversary year. Text treatments follow an established format and are created and provided by University Marketing.

The university logo or a combination logo must also appear on any piece using the anniversary text treatment. Creating your own anniversary logo or text treatment is prohibited.

Contact [email protected] for your anniversary type treatment.


SOC anniversary text treatment

Licensed Vendors


If you are applying any logos, type treatments, or verbiage registered for trademark by Grand Valley State University to items that will be commercially printed or resold, your vendor must be licensed through Affinity Licensing.

Vendors may apply for a license.

Search for licensed vendors.



By using the Grand Valley State University trademarks and resources on this site, you agree to follow the Grand Valley Identity standards — including logo and trademark guidelines — and all other affiliated rules and policies. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].

Page last modified October 1, 2024