Expanding Indigeneity in the Classroom

With the co-sponsorship of Provost Mili and VP Bernal, Lin Bardwell (Senior Advisor on Native American Affairs to the VP for Inclusion & Equity and the President), and Callie Youngman (I&E Project Specialist) are reaching out to share with you a vision for moving forward with the drafting of a Native American Heritage Foundation grant application focused on expanding Indigeneity in our classrooms here at GVSU (and more!). We welcome your engagement, guidance and support.

The idea is to develop a 'center' (currently working with Anishinaabemowin Knowledge Keepers on an appropriate name) that allows for deeper coordination, collaboration, consensus-building, community and curricular efforts around AI+ lifeways. The first phase of this development is to focus on the classroom and curricular pieces. 

Here are three articles that speak to the Two-Eyed Seeing approach and how it is being currently embedded here at GVSU:

Here are four initial ‘buckets’ of funding that we will be looking for with the grant application:

  1. Coordinator (eventually ED) position
  2. Faculty summer cohort program in partnership with FTLC
  3. Pool of Indigenous Knowledge Keepers to co-teach classes throughout the University 
  4. Pool of Indigenous Knowledge Keepers to provide consultation on curricular changes/audits

Each progressive stage of this process of developing the 'center' will need to include increasing commitments and investments from the University.

In her role as the Senior Advisor on Native American Affairs, Lin and the Native American Advisory Council have identified potential strategic partners who we would like to pull together an initial brainstorming group, discussing process and envisioning the grant/center.

Capitalizing off of Dr. Tachine's visit for the Colloquium on Monday, March 18, we are hosting a series of town halls/working sessions with different groups around campus and the state re: the grant/center. These would be opportunities to both share re: the initiatives of NAAC as well as invite participants to share their efforts, needs and aspirations.

Here are the upcoming opportunities for you to engage based on your role: 

  • Thursday, April 11th from 3:00-4:00pm Academic Affairs (virtual) 
  • Monday, April 29th from 3:00-4:00pm Academic Affairs (virtual)
  • Friday, May 17th from 1:00-2:30pm Native American Community and State Leaders (hybrid, Pew Campus)
  • Thursday, May 23rd from 3:00-4:00pm Staff (in-person, Allendale Campus)

We appreciate you all for your consideration! And we look forward to having you be a part of living into our commitments and fulfilling long-held treaty agreements between the Three Fires Confederacy and institutions of higher education in the state. 

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Page last modified May 21, 2024