Interfaith Insight - 2021
Permanent link for "A time for healing - finding amazing grace" by Doug Kindschi on January 26, 2021
Last week included a very moving ceremony in Washington, D.C.
remembering the over 400,000 lives lost in less than a year due to the
COVID virus. The evening prior to the inauguration, the
president-elect and vice president-elect stood in front of the
reflecting pond outside of the Lincoln Memorial to recognize those who
have died because of the virus. Four hundred pillars of light
reflected into the water as we were asked to reflect on this terrible
loss of lives. It is hard to grasp the enormity of the impact of the
pandemic. More American lives have been lost to COVID in the past 10
months than in the four years of the U.S. involvement in World War II.
Daily deaths of 3,000 to 4,000 are equivalent to 10 or more 737s
crashing every day. Yes, we need healing for our bodies!
The event between the Lincoln Memorial and the reflecting pond
began with a message from Cardinal Wilton Gregory, archbishop of
Washington and first African American to be elevated to rank of
cardinal. He began, "At this twilight hour, our beloved nation
pauses to remember and to pray for the many thousands of people who
have died from the coronavirus in this past year. … This virus, more
than taking the lives of too many of our citizens as well as people
around the globe, has left in its wake a sobering awareness that we
are all united in the sorrow that we recognize today."
He prayed also for the families and relatives “who had to
surrender their loved ones without the comfort and the consolation
ritual of a funeral." Cardinal Gregory continued expressing
gratitude for those who have cared for those stricken with the virus
and for their families, saying “our sorrow unites us to one another as
single people with compassionate hearts. May our prayers strengthen
our awareness of our common humanity and national unity.”
One of those who has cared for the patients and families is a
nurse from near Detroit who would often sing between shifts on the
hospital floor in the COVID unit. Lori Marie Key was introduced to
sing the same song she frequently sang in the hospital, “Amazing Grace.”
"Working as a COVID nurse was heartbreaking," Key said
before singing. "It was heartbreaking for the patients who are
sick, it was heartbreaking for the families who couldn't be there with
them, and it was heartbreaking for those caring for them.”
"But when I'm at work, I sing," Key added. "It
gives me strength during difficult times and I believe it helps
heal." Yes, we need healing for our bodies, for families and
loved ones, and for those caring for them.
The song she sang has a long history going back to the 1700s when
the Englishman, atheist, and slave trader John Newton
found faith after surviving a storm at sea. He became an Anglican
priest and vocal abolitionist as well as one who wrote some 280 hymns
in addition to “Amazing Grace.” It has become a standard at funerals
and memorials, including the moving version sung by former President
Barack Obama at the 2015 memorial service honoring those killed in the
African Methodist Episcopal church in Charleston, SC. He wasn’t the
first president to turn to this hymn at critical times in our history.
President Jimmy Carter joined with Willie Nelson to sing it. President
Ronald Reagan’s funeral included a performance, and it was played on a
single bagpipe at President Gerald Ford’s funeral.
The loss of lives to this deadly virus also occurs at a time of
another kind of virus, that of political division. While we mourn the
400,000 lives lost, Washington, D.C. was locked down because of the
polarization that just two weeks earlier had led to the violent
assault on the Capitol Building with further loss of life. Yes, we
need healing for the political polarization!
The Kaufman Interfaith Institute earlier anounced the “2021—Year
of Interfaith Healing.” Our mission is to
promote interfaith understanding and acceptance. An important aspect
of the effort is working together beyond just understanding to
addressing common problems in our broken world. The Jewish concept of
“tikkun olam,” or “repairing the world,” is a call to be active
participants in righting the wrongs and healing the problems that we
face in our world. It is also important in other religions as well.
In the Christian Gospels, Jesus, in a parable, calls his followers to
bring healing by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting
those in prison, and welcoming the stranger. (Matthew 25)
During our Year of Interfaith Healing we will also address the
topics of healing our earth and healing our racial disparity. All of
these issues are connected and are exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.
Coming up next month we are working on two connected events in
collaboration with the Office of Vice Provost for Health at Grand
Valley State University. In the afternoon of Feb. 22, the West
Michigan Medical Ethics Conference theme is “Waiting for a Miracle:
The Role of Religion in a Patient's Decision-Making.” The conference
begins at 2 p.m. and includes presentations by ethicists, spiritual
care professionals, and an interfaith panel.
That same evening, the DeVos Medical Ethics Colloquy session
begins at 6 p.m. with the theme, “The Role of Religion in Health
Care.” The featured speakers include Ana S. Iltis, Ph.D., director of
the Center for Bioethics, Health and Society at Wake Forest
University; and Ryan Nash, M.D., director of the Center for Bioethics
at Ohio State University. Following each presentation will be a time
for questions and responses. Further information for registration for
one or both of these events can be obtained at
As we proceed through this Year of Healing, let us each find ways
to demonstrate the amazing grace that brings us to caring for our
fellow human beings.
Posted on Permanent link for "A time for healing - finding amazing grace" by Doug Kindschi on January 26, 2021.