Interfaith Insight - 2020
Permanent link for "Struggling with racism on the Fourth of July" by Doug Kindschi on July 7, 2020
I am writing this week’s column on the Fourth of July, not in a big
crowd watching fireworks, but quietly reflecting on our country, its
history – both the good and the bad.
Recent months have led many of us not to celebration, but to
challenge. We are challenged by a pandemic keeping us isolated and
apart. We have been opened to a new understanding of racism and
systemic problems in the police culture. We have had to face our own
complicity in allowing and even supporting systems of discrimination.
For me it has led to a time of confession and resolve to better
understand my own unconscious racism embedded in a “white privilege”
which had also been invisible to me.
During these days of celebrating our country’s founding, I
appreciate the privilege of living in a free country, realizing that
my freedom is not experienced in every nation. And not experienced by
everyone in our country – not at our founding and not even today. It
is a kind of “freedom privilege” that we take for granted. We are
rarely conscious of that privilege. In a similar way many of us have
benefited from white privilege of which we have not even been
conscious. It was just the way the world was. I went to excellent
schools, enjoyed meaningful jobs, didn’t worry about getting into
college. I was never threatened by a policeman. Growing up I just
assumed that was the case for anyone living in America and generally
law abiding.
Reggie Rivers, former NFL running back with the Denver Broncos
and now a broadcaster, author, and motivational speaker, illustrates
white privilege by telling about a white friend’s experience with the
police. His friend had left an event at the Four Seasons hotel and
was driving home when he saw the police lights flashing in his mirror.
On the busy street there was no convenient place to pull to the side
so at the next corner he turned right and then stopped. The
policeman informed him that he was driving without his headlight
turned on. He explained that he had been at an event at Four Seasons
and the valet parking attendant must have turned off his automatic
lights, of which he was unaware since the city street was quite well
lit. The officer went on to tell him that he had turned onto a
one-way street, going the wrong way and further asked if he had
anything to drink at the event. He responded that he had a couple of
drinks. The police officer then suggested that he do a U-turn and park
his car in the right direction and then take an Uber ride home.
Rivers’ response was that this could never, in any way, have been
his experience as a Black person. “Driving while Black” means always
subjected to being pulled over on some minor charge and then
interrogated in a way that almost seems designed to infuriate. It was
certainly not the experience of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta, who was
guilty of “sleeping while Black” in his car at a Wendy’s drive
through. Even though he cooperated for over 20 minutes, submitting to
a breath test as well as a pat-down. He moved his car, volunteered to
leave the car and walk to his sister’s house. Only when the police
became physical and tried to handcuff him and take him in did he
resist, resulting in a conflict that led to his being shot in the back
while running away.
White privilege includes a lot of benefits that most of us have
not been aware of as we go through life. We unconsciously assume that
this is just way things are. As a child I was not followed by police
when I rode my bike outside my immediate neighborhood. When I began to
drive, my parents didn’t instruct me to always keep my hands on the
top of the steering wheel if I got stopped by police lest they think I
might be reaching for a weapon. I was taught that police were there to
help me if I was in trouble and that I could trust them. Only when
recently learning about white privilege did I begin to see its
invisibility to me most of my life.
In another video Reggie Rivers tells of a retreat he had with 34
other Black men. He describes them as very successful, educated, and
wealthy. As they began telling their stories, he was amazed at the
similarity of their stories and their feelings about what was now
happening in America. He was shocked as they described their
experiences and that no matter how much success or education or wealth
they had, when they get stopped while driving they are “just another
black guy in the car.” He polled them to discover that among this
group, ages in the 20s to 60s, most of them were college graduates and
28 were CEOs or senior executives.
He continued asking how many feared the police: 29 responded yes.
All 34 had been threatened or baited by police and had in just the
last 12 months been profiled in a store or by police. Furthermore,
everyone was surprised that the murder of George Floyd has led to such
a broad appreciation and understanding from people of all backgrounds.
America is waking up to what has been happening, but what for many of
us has gone unseen.
You can watch these videos for yourself at:
Racism is a phenomenon also similar to religious bigotry and
hate, which our culture has experienced in the past and continues
today. Catholics and Jews were persecuted and faced hatred, as did
various immigrant groups. Anti-Semitism has been prevalent in our
history and recently led to the murder of 11 congregants at the Tree
of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Islamophobia targets peaceful
Muslims and even people who are mistakenly seen as Muslim because of
skin color or dress such as the turban-wearing Sikhs. In each case it
is the “othering” of people who do not look like, dress like, or
worship like my tribe. This attitude violates the teachings and
principles of all of our religious scriptures, but is still prevalent
in our society.
The Kaufman Interfaith Institute will begin a new book club on
Zoom discussing the book “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White
People to Talk about Racism” written by Robin DiAngelo. She helps us
understand why cross-cultural dialogue is so hard and why our
defensiveness actually adds to racial inequity. For
more information go to
We are at a special time in America today. As we move forward
from July Fourth let us work toward a new freedom that includes all
regardless of race, religion, skin color, economic status, and social
standing. This is a special time when more of our society is becoming
aware of previous failures. It is time to show commitment to finding
justice and support for all peoples.
Posted on Permanent link for "Struggling with racism on the Fourth of July" by Doug Kindschi on July 7, 2020.