Interfaith Insight - 2020
Permanent link for "Rights and responsibility, how does one act?" by Doug Kindschi on June 2, 2020
"Is it my responsibility to speak?" is a better question
than "Is it my right to speak?" So wrote Justin Meyers in a
recent Facebook blog. Meyers is a minister in the Reformed Church in
America who serves as the associate director of the Al Amana Center in
the country of Oman, an interfaith center in this Muslim country in
the Middle East. He is also a graduate of Grand Valley State
University before going to seminary to pursue his theological education.
In his post Meyers was sharing what he called “one of the most
important shifts in my life,” when a seminary professor encouraged him
to think more about responsibility than about one’s rights. Of
course, rights are important in a free society but the issue is “how
and when we claim these rights.”
Meyers continues, “Rights are self-focused, responsibility is
community focused.” He then applies it to our situation today by
posing the following questions:
1. Is it responsible to go out?
2. What ways can I responsibly speak out for those who are suffering?
3. Are there ways I can make my point in responsible ways that
won't cause more harm?
4. Is what I am doing going to benefit others who aren't me (and
my "tribe") and those who are unable to be heard?
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks made a similar point in a recent BBC
interview. The former chief rabbi of Great Britain said, “We’ve had
too much individualism … and too little concern for the collective of
the nation and for humanity as a whole. We have talked far too much
about rights and far too little about responsibilities … Without
responsibilities in the end you find you have no rights.”
Sacks is quick to point out the true heroes who have acted
including the “doctors, nurses, responders, and the public accepting
the responsibility.” He is also positive about what can emerge from
this shared experience noting, “There is something within us, as
social animals, that makes us feel better when we are altruistic, when
we help others, when we make their life better. ...We will come
through it with a much stronger identification with others.”
Last week we honored those brave members of our society who
actually gave their lives to protect our liberty and freedom. I
watched a Memorial Day video tribute that included the playing of
“Amazing Grace” on bagpipes and showing scenes of brave soldiers, many
of whom gave their lives for our freedom. That freedom of course
includes our rights, but I shudder to think that what it is about for
some is the freedom to endanger the health of others by my behavior,
or the freedom to bully someone with whom I disagree. Our rights and
freedoms we consider to be sacred, but let us not squander them on
trivial matters of selfish behavior.
An early champion of freedom was written by the English
philosopher, John Stuart Mill in his 1859 essay “On Liberty.” Mill
defined liberty as living “one’s own life in one’s own way.” But in a
recent essay, University of Chicago Professor of Theological Ethics
William Schweiker notes that Mill recognizes a “rightful boundary to
one’s liberty.” He writes that Mill calls it the “harm principle — my
liberty goes only so far as it does no harm to others … and that
liberty without boundaries is chaos or war.”
Schweiker reflecting on our situation today writes, “Competing
notions of liberty in our nation are routinely divided and named: blue
versus red states; right versus left; … liberal versus conservative;
journalism versus fake news, and on and on. Each side accuses the
other of causing (and exacerbating) the division; all while each side
believes itself to represent the true spirit of the nation. But as
Lincoln rightly noted — citing scripture — a house divided cannot
stand. As it was in his time, so too is it in ours.”
But what is the role of religion in our currently divided
situation? Schweiker responds, “Whether it is the Exodus and Sinai,
and so the giving of law for a life in freedom, or the so-called
Golden Rule, the teachings of Jesus, the holy Qur’an, or the Buddha’s
middle way, the religions have sought to hold in tension freedom and
liberation with a rightful submission to the law of other-regard.”
In this week’s Christian Century, editor/publisher Peter W. Marty
affirms the importance of rights, but asks, “If I see my life
primarily as a prepackaged set of guaranteed rights owed me, instead
of as a gift of God, what motivation is there to feel deep obligation
toward society’s most vulnerable? If I’m just receiving what’s my
rightful due, why would I ever need to express gratitude? What’s the
point of looking outward toward others if I’m chiefly responsible for
looking inward and securing the personal rights that are mine?”
Rabbi Sacks is actually quite hopeful that our current crisis
will bring us together for the common good for all of humanity. In his
interview he continues, “We’re coming through this feeling a much
stronger sense of identification with others, a much stronger
commitment to helping others. This, in a tragic way, is probably the
lesson we needed as a nation and as a world.”
Richard Rohr, widely recognized ecumenical teacher, Christian
mystic, and Franciscan monk, also sees our current situation as an
opportunity. He wrote, “If God wanted us to experience global
solidarity, I can’t think of a better way. We all have access to this
suffering, and it bypasses race, gender, religion, and nation.” He
calls it a “highly teachable moment.”
It is up to each of us to weigh carefully our responsibilities in
our current situation against the desires for a kind of freedom that
could bring harm to others. It involves not only what it means to be a
good citizen, but also what our faith commitments require of us.
Posted on Permanent link for "Rights and responsibility, how does one act?" by Doug Kindschi on June 2, 2020.