Interfaith Insight - 2021
Permanent link for "Games, basketball, swimming pools, and interfaith" by Doug Kindschi on May 18, 2021
In games like basketball, there is a winner and a loser. Even in a
tournament, teams are pitted against each other so for every game
winner there is also a loser. Such win-loss games are called
“zero-sum” since the total number of wins balances the total losses so
the sum is zero. Games and game strategy have been the subject of
analysis for a few centuries, but in the mid-20th century it became an
established field of mathematics with applications in fields from
economics and political science to biology and philosophy. The
current usefulness of game theory and its prominence is recognized by
the more than 10 Nobel Prizes in Economics that have been awarded to
game theorists.
Zero-sum games were extensively studied in the earlier years and
compared to interactions where the winnings and losses of the players
do not add to zero. For me an obvious example is education. Every time
I taught a class, the knowledge of the students (hopefully) increased,
but my knowledge did not decrease an equal amount. My knowledge
actually increased as I explained something to another person.
Furthermore, each student’s advantage in learning is not dependent on
another student’s loss of learning. While there might be competition
among students for the top grade, all students can learn and win in
this educational interaction.
Even in activities like basketball, while the winnings and losses
might sum to zero, the activity of playing basketball viewed at the
larger level is not zero-sum. Even the losing team benefits from the
exercise, the comradery, the friendships developed, and the experience
of teamwork. It pays to look beyond the individual event and seek the
larger view to see the total benefit to a group or community.
Unfortunately, when we look at our history we can find major
examples of zero-sum thinking and behavior. Slavery was built on a
system where there was financial gain for the slave holder by having
slaves who had to work without pay. The owner’s “win” was balanced by
a corresponding “loss” on the part of the slave. The system was built
on “I win if you lose” thinking.
This kind of thinking has permeated, either consciously or
unconsciously, too much of our thinking long after the days of
slavery. Last week’s Insight introduced the work of Heather McGhee,
economics and public policy expert. She described the “drained pool
policy,” where earlier in the last century Southern communities
drained the public pools rather than allow them to be integrated. The
thinking was, if Blacks could win access to this public resource, then
certainly the white community would be the losers. Zero-sum thinking
prevailed, but the result was loss for everybody.
McGhee’s book, “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How
We Can Prosper Together,” documents with story and data the way in
which this approach has historically deprived us all of the benefits
of working together in diversity.
To return to the basketball example, has that sport, or the
sports of football or baseball, suffered because Blacks are now
allowed to participate? How about in the arts, music, theater, and
film? Are we not all richer because of the diversity in these fields?
The progress and health of our economy, society, and life together
prospers when we take the larger view and move away from zero-sum thinking.
Draining the pool, or limiting participation to just certain
groups, while perhaps motivated by zero-sum thinking actually results
in a loss for everyone.
What does this have to do with interfaith?
Zero-sum thinking can also permeate our perspective
on religious interactions and practice. Rather than learning from
others who might believe differently, there is often a tendency to see
it as a zero-sum. If I’m right they have to be wrong. Why are we
sometimes so certain that God can’t work in the lives of others in
ways that my own religious tribe does not emphasize? We can be
confident in our own faith understanding and commitment and still be
humble about whether we know the fullness of God’s working in the world.
Immigration is also an issue where racism and interfaith interact
since people come to America with a multiplicity of faith commitments
and skin tones. Immigrants, especially those who are brown and
black, face the kind of discrimination that is based on zero-sum
thinking if we think their benefit must be at my expense. Multiple
studies have shown that immigrants and refugees have a significantly
lower crime rate and are much less likely to be involved in violent
activity. The vast majority leave their country to get away from
crime and violence.
The percentage of immigrants who become entrepreneurs and create
jobs for others is considerably higher than for native born
Americans. This should not be surprising. Since immigrants are not
satisfied with how things are, they are willing to take risks and to
work hard to achieve their goals. These are precisely the
characteristics of entrepreneurs who create new ventures and companies.
Rather than thinking that immigrants are benefiting at our
expense, we need to realize that this is not a win-lose situation. We
are all benefitting by their contributions; it’s a win-win. Likewise,
as we learn from the understanding and beliefs of someone different,
it leads to our own knowledge and even our commitment being enlarged
and enriched.
The business community has also learned that zero-sum thinking in
the short term often leads to negative outcome in the long term.
There might be short-range advantages to company profits if one keeps
wages very low, employee benefits minimal, and takes no responsibility
for environmental care or support for the community. But in the
long-term company morale can deteriorate, employees leave, and
government and community conflict hurt the company and its profits.
Considering the benefits for all can also enhance the benefits for the
The world’s major religions have all taught that we should care
for others, especially those in need. Short-term advantages do not pay
in the long run, and we have responsibilities that go far beyond our
own personal benefit. Our lives together are enriched by taking the
win-win approach. Let us heed this teaching as we build a better
community, benefiting all.